Complete Anti Fraud Suite including Impression, Clicks and Conversions Screening

Mobile App Marketing

Fraud Prevention

Starting at $500
  • Click Screening & Blocking

    ClickFlooding, Bots, Duplicate Clicks, ClickFarms, VPNs and more. We block before it gets to your advertisers.

  • Realtime Conversion Screening

    ClickSpam Detection, Duplicate IP Detection, Bot Detection, Min / Max - CTIT Detection and more.

  • Increasing Conversion Rates

    We can increase your Conversions Rates on Mobile Campaigns by 100 - 300%

  • Campaign Tracking Options

    Full Campaign and Affiliate Management Options available.

  • Platform Integration
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  • Postback Manager

    Fire Postbacks only on approved conversions.

  • Syncing with Appsflyer

    Syncing Fraud Rejections with Appsflyer, Adjust, Kochava

  • Mobile Fraud Database

    Global Fraud Database based on IPs / Device Ids known to be fraudulent.

Lead Generation

Fraud Prevention

Starting at $500
  • Click Screening & Blocking

    Blocking Duplicate Signups, VPNs, Bots, known Fraudsters already at Click Level

  • Realtime Conversion Screening

    Bots, Duplicate Signups, Known Fraudsters, Incent Traffic Detection

  • Compliance Checks

    Checking that your traffic does not come from unwanted Traffic sources.

  • Campaign Tracking Options

    Full Campaign and Affiliate Management Options available.

  • Platform Integration
    This is a tooltip
  • Postback Manager

    Fire Postbacks only on approved conversions.

  • Lead Fraud Database

    Global Fraud Database based on IPs, Fingerprints, Device IDs.

  • Fingerprint Blacklisting

    Previously flagged fraudsters can be permanently blacklisted using fingerprinting technology.

Gaming / Forex

Fraud Prevention

Starting at $500
  • Click Screening & Blocking

    Identification & Blocking of known Bonus Hunters, Fraudsters already at Click Level.

  • Realtime Conversion Screening

    Realtime Identification of Bonus Hunters, Fake Signups, Fraudsters.

  • Age Verification

    Based on our Global Database we can identify +18 Users.

  • Campaign Tracking Options

    Full Campaign and Affiliate Management Options available.

  • Web & Mobile Screening
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  • Postback Manager

    Fire Postbacks only on approved conversions.

  • Gaming Fraud Database

    Global Fraud Database of known Bonus Hunters, Fraudsters.

  • Bonus Hunter Detection

    Based on our Fingerprint Technology we can blacklist Users permanently.


Fraud Prevention

Starting at $500
  • Click Screening & Blocking

    Cookie Dropping, Bots and Refereral URL checks before it hits your page.

  • Realtime Conversion Screening

    Detecting Cookie Dropping, Non compliant Websites

  • Compliance Checks

    Checking that your traffic does not come from unwanted Traffic sources.

  • Campaign Tracking Options

    Full Campaign and Affiliate Management Options available.

  • Website / Shop Integration
    This is a tooltip
  • Postback Manager

    Fire Postbacks only on approved conversions.

  • eCommerce Fraud Database

    Syncing Fraud Rejections with Appsflyer, Adjust, Kochava

  • Reduces Shopping Retrurns

    Based on our Fingerprint Technology we can blacklist frequent shoppers that return items.

Partnering with 24metrics has been a game-changer for us at Revlum. It's like having a skilled detective with a magnifying glass, scrutinizing every transaction to ensure its authenticity. This collaboration not only strengthened our defenses against ad fraud but also brought a new level of confidence and peace of mind to our operations. We're now not just fighting fraud; we're outsmarting it, and that's a thrilling step forward for us and our clients. Luka Trupeljak (COO at Revlum)


Javascript Integration

Javascript Integration

Realtime Click API Screening

Realtime API Response

Affiliate Tracking Solution

Domain Level Integration

Fraud-Prevent for Everflow Affiliate Platform
Fraud-Prevention for Affise Affiliate Platform
Fraud-Prevention for Appsflyer Platform
Fraud-Prevention for Adjust Mobile Platform
Fraud-Prevention for Trackier Affiliate Platform
Fraud-Prevention for Hasoffers Affiliate Platform
Supported Affiliate Platforms Everflow, Appsflyer, Affise, Adjust, Hasoffers, Trackier Integrations